daily scoop

The Daily Scoop (Week 1 | Friday)

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The Appetizer: That One Celebrity Sighting

"Is that OG Spiderman?" I said to Jessica as I spotted a short guy who looked a lot like the original spiderman. It was in fact Toby Maguire. Earlier in the day I'd sworn that I saw Adam Scott--that one guy Leslie from Parks & Rec. dated-- at the Croatia PAV while chatting it up with this British guy. I was of course wrong. But this time I'd just happened to be right. No pictures were taken unfortunately because he disappeared after some girl screamed his name and ran after him. 

The Main Course:
VR, Hunters & Actresses

Film 1: Creative Control. The film depends heavily upon artistic shots and the score to set the mood for the audience. The viewer is successfully  brought into  Daniels world as an observer with these techniques. The viewer almost becomes attached to Daniel and his VR experience as the movie continues. This movie is very difficult to dissect, and has to be watched at twice to fully understand its complex nature. Overall it was great. 

Film 2: Don't Kill Us. This was a film that I winged because I was literally to lazy to walk to another film complex. The film centered around an FBI agent and a demon hunter. Think Supernatural. It was witty and quit developed considering the film's special effects were not completely finished. I found myself laughing at times and all around being intrigued by the story. It was one that I would watch again if I had to.

Film 3: Always Shining. This was yet another winged film and in so glad I chose to watch it last minute. I find that even to this moment I am perplexed by the film, which centered around 2 starving actresses who also happen to be friends. I won't spoil anything, but I will say that I don't know which part of the story to believe the 1st half or the second. I must add that I could seriously see this film story plot as a Lifetime movie, but it is high quality.

Dessert:Cannes Shenanigans & Crock Monster

After a long day of film viewing, I decided to go out on the town with a few other people. We first went out to get something from the food truck, where I learned what a Croque-Monsieur, after embarrassingly pronouncing it "Crock Monster." The more ya know... Nonetheless, after everyone was done stuffing their faces, we continued our night. We went to a lot of random places, but none was as memorable as the last. We spent about an hour or two in a bar that included live music and a very excited bartender. After a while the performer stopped singing, what I assume to be local music, to put on an auto "American" playlist. The songs consisted of American chart toppers like, Happy, Uptown Funk, and Blurred Lines, just to name a few. We danced, we laughed, we sung along, and then we went home.

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