daily scoop

The Daily Scoop (Week 1 | Thursday)

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The Appetizer: 
That One Journalist I Met

"You're from Geor-gia too!?" Luke, this cool Brit kid, shouted in what I believe was a "country" accent as I introduced him to yet another Georgia kid. I'd met him earlier in the day at the Money Monster morning premier. I almost didn't go because of a water bottle fiasco in the red carpet security line. Good thing I chugged the water and decided to attend the showing. I may have just found my party plug, and my Cannes bestie. Stay tuned! haha

The Main Course:
Balls!, A Bed, & Google Glasses?

Film 1: Money Monster. What can I say? It was one of the most anticipated films at the film festival, and I'm glad I went--although I originally wasn't going to go. It was there that I met two guys who had a short film at Cannes, and this cool Brit kid. The premise of the movie is a pretty simple formula plot , you know the one where most people can predict the ending before it actually happens. Overall it was enjoyable, and it didn't put me to sleep, so I consider it a success. 

Film 2: In Bed With Victoria. The movie wasn't quit a love story, but more of a story of a young-ish woman who can't seem to get her life together. She uses sex to gain some sort of control, but even that falls to pieces after a while. She navigates her life and falls into work as the film continues, and soon realizes how to grab hold and steer her life in the right direction. I admit that I did fall asleep during the French film for a good ten minutes, but other than that it was pretty solid. 

Film 3: Let's Be Evil. I showed up quit late to this film, because the walk from film 2 was a bit of a trek. VR is one of the biggest topics that filmmakers are trying to tackle, and this movie cleverly took advantage of that. In the film, young students are trained at a facility that uses a device similar to google glasses. The adults are somehow overthrown by the students and from there they must fight for their lives. Due to the late arrival, I missed a few key elements and can't accurately judge how well the parts of the story that I did see were developed. 

Feeling Swanky and Chic @ The AMPAV

I soon realized that the AMPAV was the spot to be, if you wanted to mingle with some of the coolest people in the industry. There I met a bubbly bunch from Mexico, I ran into my new Brit friend and his friends, as well as a few other respectable industry professionals. It was a swanky little cocktail party that featured unlimited meats, desserts, drinks, and live music. Talking and mingling--which I love to do-- was probably the best part of the day. Other than that, the movies were great, and learning my way around Cannes wasn't bad either. 

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